Sunday, February 10, 2008


This is an Arabic word meaning "Heart". It is the second among the six purities or Lataif-e-sitta

Sixteen stages of Taming Qalb

To attend Tasfiya-e-Qalb, the Salik needs to achieve the following sixteen.

  1. Zuhd or Abstention from evil
  2. Taqwa or Avoiding what looks evil
  3. War'a
  4. Tawakkul or Being content on whatever God gives
  5. Sabr or Patience on whatever God does
  6. Shukr or Gratefulness to whatever God gives
  7. Raza or Seeking happiness of God
  8. Khauf or Fear or God's wrath
  9. Rija or Hope of God's blessing
  10. Yaqeen or Complete faith on God
  11. Ikhlas or Purity of intention
  12. Sidq or Bearing truth of God
  13. Maraqiba or Total focus on God
  14. Khulq or Humbleness for God
  15. Zikhr or Remembrance of God
  16. Khuloot or Isolation from everyone except God

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